Bye bye Thinking Juice and Emerge. What a journey. I’ll miss you.

Published 14.01.2016

It’s true – after nearly 13 years, I have left Thinking Juice and Emerge Group. The agency has the best team its ever had and is set for an amazing future. It’s emotional running an agency – but even more so selling and leaving.

It’s been my life’s work. And I have loved every minute. Even the minutes I didn’t love it at all. 🙂 That’s adland. It’s bonkers. And it’s time for some time off.

Thank you everyone that has been a part of my incredible journey. I’m immensely proud of what the agency has stood for. Great work. At all costs. What a wonderful philosophy. What a great team. What a ride. Wow.

Here’s the official release:

Since launching his iconic agency almost 13 years ago, Thinking Juice co-founder and Managing Director, Gellan Watt has decided to leave the business.

In that time, he’s grown Thinking Juice to become one of the most awarded and recommended agencies in the UK. Something he’s incredibly proud of.

Gellan said: “I have so many amazing memories. It’s been a fantastic journey. We’ve achieved great things and it’s hard to pick out my favourite moments… being named Marketing Industry UK Agency of the Year, ranking in the UK’s Top 10 independent agencies, merging the business with the Emerge Group through to personally taking on a group wide Chief Creative Officer role, being named UK Marketing Industry MD of the Year and being included in the UK’s Top 15 Media Power Faces last year, they are all great moments.”

“But for me, and the entire TJ team, it’s always been about the work we do for our clients – and building a brilliant team. The agency was founded on some very simple but important principles. First and foremost – do great work. We’re an ideas business. And that will remain the focus of the agency – it’s part of the DNA.”

Gellan added: “It’s truly been the most incredible experience. I’m leaving the agency in great hands – the team today is the best that I have ever worked with, making it the ideal time for me to take some well earned time out. It’s been awesome, but very few jobs are as intense as working in the creative business. Especially when you aim to do nothing but the very best work every day.”

Thinking Juice Director Matt Fleming said: “Gellan was a huge part of the agency, but as he himself said, the team at TJ right now is the best he’s ever worked with. A team made up of brilliant individual talents and these are the people who will ensure the continued success and growth of the agency.”

The business is parting company with Gellan on the very best possible terms. He will remain a friend of the agency, and everyone in it, far into the future.

Gellan went on to say: “The team will carry on doing brilliant, unexpected, beautiful and highly effective work – and I’m excited about Thinking Juice’s future, and wish to thank everyone that’s been part of my journey – our incredible clients, supply partners and colleagues – past and present.”

“Special mentions and thanks of course go to my Thinking Juice co-founder Debbie Lennon and my business partners today, Matt Fleming and Peter Jones. Without each of them, the business wouldn’t be where it is today. And I know, with the amazing team currently in place, the business will go on to even greater heights.”